Big Girl

When Li Mu walked out of the barbershop with the bottle of hair gel, it was as if he was a completely different person.

The mustache had long been shaved, and his hair had changed for the better. He changed from being a good student to becoming one of the bad but handsome boys in Hong Kong films and Korean dramas. In addition to the casual wear and white cotton t-shirt, he gave off a unique and unrestrained aura, which only made him more attractive.

Li Mu had just stepped out of the barbershop's doors when he saw Chen Wan ride a brand new Giant mountain bike to the door.

Chen Wan's dress today looked very alluring. The upper half is beige with pink stripes that stuck closely to her body, clearly defining her lines and curves. Especially when she was riding the bike, people would know that she wasn't just an ordinary person. The Converse she wore only highlighted that fact. Compared to other girls who were wearing oversized pants, Chen Wan's dress looked simple and fresh, so it was immensely eye-catching to Li Mu.

Although Chen Wan is three years older than Li Mu, a female college student in her early twenties doesn't qualify as a woman yet, not even a big girl to him.

It was just that she looked so beautiful that the mentally thirty-year old Li Mu was getting a bit worried.

While Li Mu was staring at Chen Wan, she turned around and blushed when she looked at Li Mu.

She didn't recognize who Li Mu was, but when she looked at him, she was strangely nervous.

Girls that were young in years don't usually experience meeting a handsome boy like Li Mu, because the style in 2001 was only long hair with the addition of colorful and weird clothes.

Chen Wan lowered her head and didn't dare to look directly at Li Mu. Instead, she walked past him into the barbershop and started looking around for Li Mu, but she didn't see anyone but the exotic-colored barber.

She couldn't help but ask herself, "Li Mu, this guy didn't keep his promise. He told me to met him here, but where is he?"

As soon as she went back outside, she thought for a bit and decided to head towards Li Mu's house because he had already given her his address. As soon as she went back outside, she saw the handsome guy who she met before staring at her with a smirk.

"Sister Wan, it's only been a night and you don't recognize me anymore?"


Chen Wan stared at Li Mu for a while, and asked in shock, "You... You're Li Mu?"

"It's me."

Li Mu put his hands to the sky.

Chen Wan's face slowly became red.

Li Mu found out that he really liked to see Chen Wan blushing. She was already very attractive, but she became exponentially more attractive when she blushed.

After accepting reality again, Chen Wan couldn't help but ask, "Why did you shave your beard and get a haircut? Aren't you a student?"

"The college entrance examinations are already over." Li Mu took her words for granted, beckoning, "Let's go to our house."

After hearing Li Mu saying those words so calmly, Chen Wan immediately became shy and anxious. She stomped, pointing to the brand new Giant mountain bike, and said angrily, "I bought a new bike for you. Take it!"

Li Mu asked, "Why did you buy me a bike?"

"It's to replace the one that got ruined when I ran into you."

"But's its useless for me now, I'm going to college soon."

"You might go somewhere with your friends during vacation, and you might have a use for this bike then?"

"Sister Wan, if I ride this bike out in public, especially to an internet cafe, it'll be stolen in less than ten minutes!"

This kind of mountain bike, Li Mu could see at a glance that it was a model meant for professionals, complete with forked suspension that could be locked and unlocked, a finger-type, front and back rear disc brakes, and finger-shifts. In this era, this bike would have gone for about two thousand yuan.

"Will it be so easily stolen?"

Chen Wan never considered that problem as she didn't go to internet cafes, and she never lost her bicycle before.

LI Mu sighed.

"You really are a Bai Fumei, someone who doesn't the suffering in this world. In the next couple of years, don't ride a bike worth more than two hundred yuan to an internet cafe, or else you'll understand the truth."

"What is a Bai Fumei?"

"It means that you are white, rich, and beautiful!"

"Slick tongue!"

After Chen Wan said that, she continued, "Then you don't have to ride it to the internet cafes. You could join the many people who bike as a sport. Many people already do that in Shanghai. Have you heard of it? It's called cycling."

"I have heard of it.." Li Mu paused. "But I'm still a student. Do you want me just to learn cycling all of a sudden?"

"Of course not, I just wanted to make traveling easier for you."

"How much did you spend on the bike?"

"Not a lot, not more than five hundred yuan."

"You liar! Not more than 500, why don't you give me the 10,000 first? Spending five hundred wouldn't even let you afford the set of gears!"

Chen Wan found out that her lie was seen through by Li Mu.

Filled with anger, she shouted, "Just take it! You bad guy, if you don't take it, I'll just leave without you, and I won't contact you in the future!"

"Yes, I want it!"

Li Mu saw she was angry, and hurriedly repeated, "I accept it, okay?"

Li Mu knew that Chen Wan's family was rich, and she only wanted to compensate him but he refused her, which dealt a big blow to her. The only thing Li Mu could do to solve this situation was accept it.

Li Mu plopped down on the mountain bike, and Li Mu patted the front bar of the bike, and signaled to Chen Wan.

"This car doesn't have a back seat. Do you want to sit here instead?"

Chen Wan felt that her cheeks were getting red of shame, and glared at Li Mu.

"I can just walk."

I've never felt this way. I was teased by a boy three years younger than me, who wasn't able to fight back at all yesterday. Chen Wan couldn't help but recall Li Mu's appearance yesterday after he had been hit. When she thought how he had almost completely changed over a day, she secretly sighed.

She felt like she had been possessed by an evil spirit that said age didn't matter.

Li Mu was the one that was tempting her.

Li Mu had already guessed that Chen Wan wouldn't agree, so instead, he opted to push the bike instead. Chen Wan walked beside him, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

In the midsummer sun, the two, similar in appearance, walked side by side under the warm sunlight, which made for a perfect painting.

Although Chen Wan didn't recognize Li Mu after he shaved his beard and changed his hairstyle, many people in the neighborhood who had watched Li Mu grow up, recognized him at first glance, but were confused when they saw him walking with a beautiful girl.

When Li Mu brought Chen Wan inside his house, the neighborhood started to gossip about it.

"Did you see? Li Daoping's son Xiaomu brought a beautiful girl home. How does that girl look so pretty? We don't even know of a girl half as pretty as that!"

"Li Daoping really is blessed. His wife was already a good catch, and his son also found a beautiful girlfriend as well."

"How do you know that she is his girlfriend?"


Li Mu's house has two bedrooms and more than seventy square meters, plus a bungalow in the courtyard. It isn't very decorated, but the house is very clean. There are many blooming plants and beautiful flowers planted by his mother in the yard. Chen Wan was fascinated as soon as she entered the door.

Li Mu parked his bike in one of the bungalows used as storage and asked Chen Wan, "Sister Wan, did you have lunch yet? I made an appointment with a friend at KFC. Do you want to come with me?"

"KFC?" Chen Wan pouted her lips.

"I won't go. I don't want to bother you. I'll just leave in a while."

Seeing her misunderstand, Li Mu further explained, "There's no trouble. My friend asked me to go to an internet cafe after. If you have nothing to do, things are more fun with a beauty around!"

"You're going to an internet cafe?" Chen Wan thought about it, and decided, "Okay, I shouldn't be busy in the afternoon, so I'll go to the internet cafe with you for a while."

"You can go sit in the living room."

Li Mu invited Chen Wan into the living room and poured her a glass of water. Chen Wan was curious about Li Mu's house.

The Li family's decoration are very modern. Li Mu's dad has a wall full of black and white photos of his wedding and photos of Li Mu when he was young. There are names of the locations under each picture, along with the date of when the photo was taken. There were also photos of important days in Li Mu's life, like his birth, hundredth day of life, his first birthday, and so on.

Chen Wan was interested in these photos, and couldn't help but admire them for a long time.

"Uncle and aunt were really good-looking when they were younger!"

"True," Li Mu said proudly, "I'm handsome because of my parents."

"Really shameless."

Chen Wan poked her lips, stared at the photos for a bit longer, and suddenly pointed towards one of them.

Li Mu followed her fingers, and his thirty-year old mine couldn't help but blush.

There were two boys in the photo. The older one had fair skin and was three or four years old, and the younger one, around two years old, had dark skin. The older one is Li Mu, and the younger one is his cousin who still lived in the countryside. In the photos, the two were holding each other's shoulders and wearing open crotch pants, so that meant that two little birds were visible.

I guess when Chen Wan saw the little birds in the photo, she got a little bit surprised.

Li Mu scratched his head and awkwardly said, "When we were young, my parents would deliberately take embarrassing photos of my cousin and I, so don't misunderstand..."