University Enrollment

The scores of the college entrance exams mainly depends on the students' memories. After the teacher told the class the correct answers, the students rely on their memory of the answers on their exam in order to roughly estimate their scores.

Scores in science was relatively high, but the class' score in arts were slightly worse. For Li Mu and other science students, the biggest deviation that would affect their scores were Chinese, followed by English. There were no standard to how the Chinese reading comprehension and composition were graded by. The scores were difficult to estimate, but the thing that worried them were the twenty five points on the composition due to how differently they could be graded.

Li Mu ddin't need to guess his scores for Chinese, math and science because he remembered he got 486 marks on them in his previous life. He only spent his morning waiting for the English teacher to reveal the answers.

At eleve, the English teacher stepped forward, and everyone became more anxious.

Li Mu's memory was very good. He didn't forgot the answers he had written to each question, so he began to carefully compare the answers in his head to what the teacher was saying.

The longer the teacher went on, the more he got excited.

Listening questions, full score!

Multiple choice questions, full score!

Reading comprehension and grammar, full score!

In other words, his score excluding the composition was already 125 marks. This perfect score even suprised Li Mu himself.

He didn't dare to be too optimistic before. He estimated that he could get between 120 and 130 marks, but it seemed like he could get 140 marks at the very least.

His own composition even plagariased the future Olympic slogan and dreams, so there was not way he could get below 15 out of 25 marks.

Excited, Li Mu did some simple arithmetic.

486 + 140 = 626 marks.

What's the concept of 626 marks? Judging from the passing scores from the Southern Jianghu Province over the years, 626 marks allowed a person to get into a key university. However, it would be quite a stretch if that person wanted to go to Yanda, Tsinghua, Fudan, or Renmin University as those schools were the most prestigious universities in Huaxia.

However, Li Mu had precious knowledge in his head. In his last life during this time, students performed a little bit worse in English, which meant the passing scores were the lowest in the several years. In addition, students were cautious when they applied to their schools, so there were less people applying to the prestigious universities.

Li Mu was unclear about Yanda and Tsinghua, but he knew that Su Yingxue had always wanted to go to Renmin University, so he payed close attention to the school. The year's passing score for that school was 615 marks, and so as long as they applied and passed the score admitted by the National People's Congress, they would be admitted to the prestigious school they applied for.

He has a minimun of 626 marks, so it would be smart to report to the National People's Congress.

Su Yingxue attended the School of Economics at the National People's Congress and majored in economics. That major was one of the more popular majors, and even if Li Mu doesn't get accepted, as long as he obeyed the guidelines on the transfer, he would be admitted to the school.

For Li Mu, a BUG like person with numerous ways of making money, the least important thing was deciding what major to learn, so he had no opinions.

Having made up his mind, Li Mu decided his first choice of college would be the People's Congress of Economics so he could go to the same department with Su Yingxue, followed by the finance major, the international law major, and lastly, the major of social psychology.

The whole class thought Li Mu enrollingg to the National People's Congress was a joke, but they didn't know he already made his choice when the English test was over.

After everyone evaluated their scores, everyone had a few days to consider which school they wanted to enroll to. The students started talking among each other and asked where each person wanted to go.

Lu Gengyu, the class leader, walked to the podium and said loudly, "Classmates, since we all have to come to class next Monday to hand in our sheets of enrollment, let's just have a class renunion that night. Let's treat as a farewell meal for our class. What do you all say?"

The group of senior high school seniors had never left Haizhou, so they never had a party full of classmates. However, the thought of many of them going their separate ways made many of the students agree.

In fact, the emotions of parting after senior year already began two months ago. Everyone talked with each other and asked others to write some words of blessing for them, but Li Mu didn't do so.

Some girls were already hugging their friends and crying. The boys couldn't help but tear up when they thought that they were all going to seperate from each other. Li Mu recalled the song "The Flowers" by Pu Shu, and sorrow slowly began to fill his heart. But after a moment, he felt some excitement and all of his sadness dissapeared.

After graduating from high school, college, and resigning from work, Li Mu had enough of goodbyes. The only thing that he falt sad about after high school was that he couldn't study and learn in a class with Su Yingxue.

At this time, the class leader said that each person would hand in fifty yuan, for eating and singing. When the time came, they would all need to pay less but have more time for fun. Everyone had no opinions on that. He started to count the names of the people who were willing to participate in the party and saw that it was almost 40 people.

Li Mu looked at the list and saw that Su Yingxue also wrote her name. With that, he signed and agreed to going to the party.

Later, Li Mu left the school with an application form, but he didn't go home just yet. His parents were still at work, and there was a telephone booth in front of the school. He called the Finance Section at the coal mine where his dad worked.

On the phone, he calmly told his parents about his score.

He was a bit cautious when revealing his score because he wasn't too sure of his score in the English compostion. To be more specific, his theoretical maximum score he could get was 636 marks in total. He slightly lowered his hopes as he didn't know how the teacher grading him would grade him.

Alas, even this cautious assessments of his was a shock to his parents.

His parents repeatedly asked on the phone whether he was joking with them or not, and when he said that he was 90% sure, his mother cried on the phone, and his father was silent for a long time until he said, "After dinner, we'll drink two beers."

Li Mu didn't think his test scores were shocking, but when he heard the excitement from his parent's voices, his heart was filled with emotion.

If he was admitted to the National People's Congress, he would make his parents happy for four years. No matter what he did, as long as their son was studying in the top five universites in China, they would be extremely proud.

After paying the phone bill, he stepped out of the phone booth and bought a cold bottle of Cola at the drinks stand near the school's entrance.

The scorching sun at noon was so hot that people couldn't open their eyes. He sipped the cold and refreshing Cola and felt nostalgic for being a high schooler once again. During this time, you could buy a cold drink, and carry ten yuan to an air-condiditioned internet cafe. Sitting during an afternoon like this would be the best thing.

Li Mu smiled and shook his head. His current self was far from being satisfied from a can of Cola and playing in internet cafes.

Many students had already begun to leave the school's premises, but Li Mu stood motionless at the entrance of his alma mater and looked at his surroundings carefully.

Everything around him was so familiar, the stationary shop called Chenguang, the small restaurant called Sanyuan Stir-fry, and the small piano shop that played a lovely tune everyday. Everything was the same during his previous life, and he was only going to start changing it from there. His university affairs were already over, and in the next two months, all he had left to do was to make money.

And where does it all begin? Stone Age!