Her Beginning

Beyond the horizon, the sun illuminated the shimmering haze of pollution. In the far distance, the silhouette of the skyline pierced through the warm glow like a jagged mountain ridge. Millions of lights caused the dense mass of skyscrapers glitter. People were needle points and cars were blood cells flowing through the veins of the city. Despite the time, the hustle and bustle never came to a halt. The city's residents were off for a movie or to chill out in a smoky bar downtown.

Ye Shuxin came from a poor family. Her mother worked as a prostitute and because of her mother's work, she got pregnant.

A six-year-old Ye Shuxin focused on the pile of homework in front of her. The loud music from the club could be heard in the dressing room, her concentration all for naught. Her mother couldn't afford to hire a sitter, so she usually takes her daughter to work and have her wait until her shift was over.

She wasn't like any normal kid, she was smaller than other normal six-years-old kids. Aside from that, she was never going to be normal especially when she grew up with such a parent. Her mind was forced to mature at such a young age.

There were times where she would go out and watch women dance around poles while men feasted and threw money on them. There were other women who were entertaining men on their tables and her mother was one of them.

As a child, she was curious about the things around her. She wondered about her mother's job.

Why are there no other kids around the place?

Why do her friends' mothers don't have jobs like her mom's?

Why are other ladies in her mother's workplace show so much skin? Why do they wear such skimpy outfits?

"Ye Shuxin, what are you doing here? Go back!"

Most of the employees there knew the little girl because of her mother and whenever she got caught by one of them, she would get scolded by them to go back to the dressing room. A place such as this one ain't exactly child-friendly after all.

Ye Shuxin's favorite place was her school. It was a place where she could enjoy studying with her friends. Once school ended for the day, she had to wait in the dressing room of her mother's loud workplace again. The school was her sanctuary. She very much enjoyed her time in elementary school. Never would she have known that it would all change in high school. She never would have guessed that something as insignificant as her mother's occupation would ruin everything for her.

The wind howled as the students arrived through the gates, hustling and bustling down the corridors. Friends were greeting each other with a hug or a playful punch while the newcomers stand petrified. The seniors stood tall and proud, a confidence born of experience. Soon the bells rang and everybody ran except for occasional slowcoach or chatterbox.

Ye Shuxin has always been a cheerful girl but having enrolled in a high school where none of her old classmates are, she kept to herself. She had a hard time approaching others and was quiet so others had a hard time approaching her too. If only she has someone she knew.

That month, she ended up being left out since no one was approaching a nerd-looking, quiet girl like her and because of that, she became the target of bullying, where the masterminds are composed of rich family offspring.

She was only able to enter such a prestigious school because of her high grades, she was able to get a scholarship through it. She was surrounded by rich kids and when they found out that she got into an elite school without paying for tuition, they spread bad rumors about her because of their jealousy. She came from a poor family and yet, she managed to top every exam. Their pride as rich kids were touched.

A rumor about her mother spread. It was said in that rumor that she slept with the director that's why Ye Shuxin got in the school.

"Hey, hey, did you know? Ye Shuxin's mom... She's a whore!"

"What?! Really? No way!"

"It's true! My mom said that she's a famous whore in the red district!"

"No wonder! Do you think the reason why Ye Shuxin has high grades is... you know, sleeping around with teachers."

Ye Shuxin gritted her teeth tight. She wasn't sleeping around with anyone! All her exemplary grades were because of her hard work!

Because of her anger, she slapped her desk, making the group of gossiping girls turn their heads on her.

"That's not true!"

The leader of the group who started the conversation smirked. She approached her and others followed behind like underlings.

"What's not true?"

"I am not sleeping around with the teachers!"

Gasps were heard. The other students in the room started looking her way.

"Oh? Then how about your mother? Are you saying that your mother being a whore is not true?"

Ye Shuxin pursed her lips. She couldn't deny something like that. She lowered her head and clenched her fists tight.

Since then, she was bullied almost every day because of her mother's background. This went on until her last year of high school. It was not fair. Why was she being hated because of her mother?

Despite the mistreatment others gave, no one could deny her intelligence because of her good grades.

"Ye Shuxin! What's with this bruise?!" Her mother was surprised when she saw the bruise on her daughter's arm.

"Are you being bullied?!"

It was as if the dam inside her broke and tears started flowing out from her eyes uncontrollably, "This is all your fault! I hate mother! Mother is a disgusting bitch! A whore! I'm already ashamed just by breathing the same air as you!"

It wasn't hard to deduce what happened after hearing her daughter's words. It's already understandable that the reason why she was being bullied was because of her mother.

"What a pussy." Her mother's voice turned cold, even her stare turned blank as she pushed her daughter away from her, making the child fall on the ground. "When I was your age, I had nothing! I wasn't even able to attend school! You should be grateful you're blessed with these things! Ungrateful brat! Who do you think allowed you to go to school? Whose money did you spend every day? Oh gosh! You're so annoying! I wasted so much money on an impudent child like you!"

"You don't like your life? Guess what, Shuxin? You're not going to have the life you want without having money! Do you think people will just give you whatever you want for free? Nothing's free! Everyone has to find a way to survive this fucking place! If others try to take those blessings away from you then you should bare your fangs and fight back!"

Ye Shuxin continued on sobbing on the floor. She couldn't say anything to refute her mother's words.

"You have to struggle and fight to survive this world. This damn place ain't filled with rainbows and butterflies. Not everything will go your way!"

She has to... struggle and fight? Her mother's words hit her like cold water.

How can she fight those girls from her school?

Since that day, Ye Shuxin decided to change. She was not going to endure the bullying that others gave.


She has always watched the ways how her mother entertained her men back then. Since she was young, she learned the art of seduction.

As Ye Shuxin entered the school grounds, she caught the attention of many.

Her chestnut brown hair swaying in sync with her movements, her heels clicking at every step. Everyone around her, even the school's gatekeeper gaped in awe at her exquisite beauty. Her eyes shone the color of a dazzling black, which traveled sharply from one person to another. It glistened every time she moved them. Her eyes seemed to shine in the sunlight, but hide in the darkness. Her lips were like a frozen rose, dangerously beautiful.

A gentle breeze kissed her face, blowing away some hair and revealing more of her smooth, pale as snow skin. It was a hot day and the heat gave her cheeks a light flush. Tiny beads of sweat that trickled down the side of her face made her sexier than she already was. With the sunlight and the wind seemingly working alongside her, she succeeded in stealing each and every person's attention with just a few paces on her way to class.

Ye Shuxin had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her beauty. A few changes in style and a pinch of confidence turned her into someone unstoppable.

Her classmates were all surprised at Ye Shuxin's sudden change in appearance, especially the girls who had bullied her.

While Ye Shuxin was sitting quietly on her seat, the girls who bullied her ended up approaching her.

"Oh my, Ye Shuxin? Is that you?" The leader, Nai Yuge, faked a gasp.

Ye Shuxin had always been timid, so even with her makeover, it would take more than one night for her to do the same to her personality.

"How much did you pay?" Nai Yuge smirked.

"Did you sleep with someone to finally have the money for plastic surgery?"

Ye Shuxin clenched her fists tightly since her mother's words rang in her mind. She has to fight back.

She has enough of their antics.

"Screw it." She whispered under her breath.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

Ye Shuxin raised her head to look at Nai Yuge and smiled, "Your slander doesn't bother me. A perfect and natural face like mine costs a fortune for you through plastic surgery. Do I look rich? Even if I am to sleep around, I don't think I will be able to get enough money within just two days… Do I look like a person with a healing superpower to be able to do plastic surgery within just two days? Please use your brains."

"You. you and you." Ye Shuxin pointed at some of the girls that were beside Nai Yuge. "It seems that you've taken your bonding as far as going in the same hospital together... your eyes, nose, and chin are masterpieces of one particular professional. How cute."

"Y-You bitch!" Mo Han, one of Nai Yuge's companions raised her hand and was about to slap her but her hand stopped in the midair upon hearing, "The teacher is coming!"

Nai Yuge glared at her, "We're not done. Meet us at the rooftop after class."

Before, Ye Shuxin was stupid enough to follow her simplest orders. This time, instead of meeting them, she went directly to the boys' soccer club.

Nai Yuge's boyfriend was a member of that club and she has already made up her mind in getting back at her by stealing her boyfriend.

Of course, at first, it wasn't easy. She had to know his schedule and think of a plan.

There was one thing she was sure about though. No matter what sort of man they are, married or not, in the end, they all love to fuck.