Contract Marriage

She thought that she was going to end up doing all the work but what surprised her was when he woke up while she was in the middle of sucking him.

Oh shit! He woke up!

She sat up, her face flushed, "I-I can explain! I-"

Jin Mingze ended up changing their positions, this time, she was the one lying beneath her.

In the next second,  he started kissing her lips hungrily. She was surprised, she wanted to push him away but he ended up pinning her hands down.

Because of how heated the kiss was, she felt like melting, and in the end, she gave in and was now responding to his kisses, their tongues entwined in a kiss. He moved his kisses to her collarbone. Kissing every inch, Every kiss has a raw intensity - breathing fast, heart rates faster.

"Chen Rui..." He muttered under him breathe.

Huh? Who's Chen Rui?

He finally let go of her wrists and instead he raised her legs and entered her in one go.

Ye Shuxin ended up groaning in pain because of how he took her all at once. Tears even formed on the side of her eyes but as he started thrusting in her, her pain was soon replaced by pleasure, enough to intoxicate her mind, her moans filling the room.

At the end of their heated activity, Jin Mingze ended up falling on top of her.

"Ugh... Move, you're heavy..." She tried to push his body but it was too heavy for her.

"Jin Mingze!"

With that, he finally moved on the side.

"Chen Rui..." He whispered softly as he wrapped his arms around her.

Again with that name... was she some kind of his girlfriend or ex?

Ye Shuxin didn't care. Girlfriend or not, she has already made up her mind on making him hers, even if she has to steal him from another woman.


The next day, Jin Mingze woke up with a headache.

When he turned, his sleepiness left him when he saw a woman's bareback. It was then that he noticed that he was actually inside a strange room.

He sat up all of a sudden which brought pain in his head. He ended up groaning lowly because of it.

How did he end up sleeping with someone else?

He tried to remember what happened but he could only remember a girl helping him leave the club.

Ye Shuxin turned her body and face him as she continued on sleeping so soundly.

He was surprised to see the girl who helped him there.

Jin Mingze got out of the bed and his movements ended up waking up the girl on his bed.

"You're awake..." Her lips curled up into a sleepy smile, "Good morning."

Jin Mingze's eyes darkened, he picked his clothes from the ground before he began wearing them without saying a thing to her.

When Ye Shuxin saw that he was preparing himself to leave, she ended up sitting up at once.

"A-are you leaving already?"

He only gave her a cold glare as a reply.

Ye Shuxin started panicking inside, "Y-you took my first! You have to take responsibility!"

After wearing his coat, he started heading out of the room.

"Wait! You can't leave!"

But then he discarded her without even giving her a penny!

That son of a bitch! Hopeless worthless scumbag! He should have at least left her some money! He should take responsibility by at least paying her!

Don't they usually leave a cheque? You know, just like one of those novels she read.

She didn't have sex with him for free... well maybe she did but this was something she wasn't expecting, okay?! He should have at least talked to her before he left! That ungrateful cumber-douche!


It was all because of his wealth and great beauty that Ye Shuxin didn't give up on him.

She did her research on him and found out that he was actually a Chairman in Jin Corporation, one of the leading companies in the business industry.

Entering a high-security place like his company was going to be hard

What should she do?

In the end, she planned on using the 'I'm pregnant' card on him.

She went to his company and walked straight to the receptionist.

As she walked, the people around couldn't help but turn her way. She walked so beautifully like that of a model on a runway.

Ye Shuxin was wearing a beautiful blue dress that gave her an air of elegance. Her long brown hair was tied into a high ponytail and she was wearing bright red lipsticks. This getup made her look like a refined, rich woman.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The receptionist greeted and asked with a smile.

"I want to see Chairman Jin Mingze."

"Have you made an advance appointment with the Chairman? May I know your name, ma'am?" The receptionist asked politely.

"Don't you know who I am?" Ye Shuxin took off her sunglasses. Her sharp black eyes looked arrogantly at the receptionist.

The receptionist ended up sweating nervously because of Ye Shuxin's bitch face. "I-I'm sorry... but I don't..."

She smirked, "Why don't you call your Chairman and tell him his beloved girlfriend is here."


The people nearby were surprised by what she said.

When Ye Shuxin saw that the receptionist wasn't making a move, she took out her phone. "You won't let me see him? Fine! I'll just call him here then! Don't blame me if you lose your job for annoying me!"

The receptionist's face was filled with fear at the mention of losing her job.

Of course, Ye Shuxin was bluffing. And so, in the end, she was able to get in without trouble.

She has no idea where Jin Mingze's office was but... it was always going to be on the last floor, right?

She was able to find Jin Mingze's office but she was stopped by his secretary this time.

"I'm sorry, miss, but you are not allowed to come in without the Chairman's permission."

His secretary already received a call from the receptionist about Ye Shuxin. As the Chairman's secretary and friend, Qiu Landi knew that Jin Mingze didn't have a girlfriend.

"Again with this?" Ye Shuxin crossed her arms.

"Please leave or else I will call the guards to take you away." Qiu Landi threatened.

"Is that a threat?" Ye Shuxin raised a brow.

"You don't seem to understand the situation, miss."

Ye Shuxin scoffed, "I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm going to let you have a taste of my shoes!"


Qiu Landi reached out to her since his patience was already at its limit but in one swift motion, she kneed his crotch.

"Argh! Bitch!"

Ye Shuxin snickered before she passed by him and entered Jin Mingze's office.

He was holding a document and was reading it so when he heard how Ye Shuxin barged in, he ended up raising his head.

"Finally, I got to see you again, Chairman Jin."

Despite not seeing her for a few days, Jin Mingze was the type of man who could remember everyone he met especially when that woman looked like a person he knew. He frowned at her. "Why are you here?"

Ye Shuxin walked towards him and sat on his table, "Why not? Can't I visit the father of the child I'm carrying?"

Hearing her words, Jin Mingze's frown went deeper.

Child? What child?

She knew that he might not remember her so she decided to refresh his memories, "Have you forgotten that night?"

She sighed sadly, she took her phone out and showed him a picture of them together.

In the photo, Jin Mingze was sleeping while Ye Shuxin was resting her head on his shoulder.

Ye Shuxin smirked at him, "Remember now?"

She took an ultrasound photo from her bag before giving it to him, "Look at our little jelly bean."

Jin Mingze's face darkened when he saw the photo.

"If you want me to abort this child, that's fine but-"

"How much do you want?" Jin Mingze asked with a blank look on his face. "Keep the child alive. How much do you want?"

This time, Ye Shuxin was surprised upon hearing his words.

Wait. His words were confusing her. Don't they usually tell women like her to abort the child instead?

"You can state any price you want but... you have to keep that child. After giving birth, you will have to give it to me."

Ye Shuxin's lips curled up into a beautiful smile as she thought of something else, "I don't want your money. If you want me to keep this child, you have to marry me."

She suddenly felt the room temperature drop. Jin Mingze's cold gaze made her shiver.

No! She has already gone this far, no way she's backing out now!

"Well?" She leaned forward and traced his cold lip with her finger. "Let's make a contract, Mr. Jin. I'll keep this child. In return, you have to marry me."

Jin Mingze was quiet for a while but in the end, he let out a sigh. "Alright."

"Today. I want to be married today."

"Today?" He raised an eyebrow at her, "Why the rush?"

Her smile became stiff at the question, she lowered her head and clenched her fists, "It's not like... I wanted this. Having a one night stand with you was fine... but... after learning my mother's situation, I didn't have a choice. You were the first person that entered my mind."

"My mom is dying." She looked down, her eyes were filled with sadness. "I want to show her that... I was able to marry a good man before she dies..."

Lies. Don't believe this cunning little bitch. Or... did you?

Jin Mingze stared at her pretty face that was full of sadness and grief, he wasn't able to see through her lies because of how clouded her eyes looked.

"Guards! That's her, take her away!" Qiu Landi exclaimed angrily as he pointed at Yu Shuxin.

Jin Mingze turned to the guards that were approaching. He raised his hand a bit to stop them before he quietly shooed them away.

"B-but..." Qiu Landi was shocked.


And so, once again, they were alone in his office.

"Alright, I'll marry you today. We can work on the contract after."

Jackpot! - Ye Shuxin

A soft sniff was heard from Ye Shuxin, she wiped her tears with the handkerchief that Jin Mingze offered.