Don't be like me

Ye Shuxin placed the black coffee that her mother ordered on the table before she sat in front of her.

"Did you come here because I was here?"

"Can't it just be a coincidence?" Ye Fanfan chuckled. She took the mug and blew softly on her hot drink before taking a sip from it.

"Whenever you appear in front of me, it will never be a coincidence."

Her daughter was right. Ever since she abandoned her during her last year of high school, they lost contact with each other. During that time, she met her current husband, Lin Hanyu. Months after meeting him, he proposed to her and she accepted her proposal all because he was rich.

Lin Hanyu who was working as a Judge. He was a short man with weak features. He was one of Ye Fanfan's loyal customers who fell in love with her beauty.

If not for his money, Ye Fanfan wouldn't have married a weak-looking man like him.

Anyway, ever since she married him, she became the Matriarch of the Lin family and because of that, she assigned men to monitor her daughter.

She was still her daughter. Despite having the opportunity to abort her when she learned of her pregnancy, she decided to take give birth and take care of her all because the doctor had already told her that she has a low chance of conceiving since she had few abortions already.

She was a woman who also wanted to have a child of her own one day and fearing that she wouldn't be able to conceive again if she aborted Ye Shuxin, she decided to go on with her pregnancy.

Ye Fanfan took care of her and loved her like any real mother.

That day where Ye Shuxin cried on her and told her that she was ashamed of her broke her heart. It was also the reason why she decided to marry Lin Hanyu so that she could stop the work that her daughter hated.

Just like what Ye Shuxin said, her mother appeared and helped her. It was during the time where she got into an accident and had amnesia.

During that time, Ye Shuxin was lost and her mother helped her get back on her trail.

"I heard from one of my rats said that you tried to get in the Jin family." Ye Fanfan said, looking at her daughter.

"Damn it. I told you to stop your rats from watching over me." She frowned.

Ye Fanfan snickered, "Am I the type of person to listen?"

Ye Shuxin averted her eyes from her mother. She pursed her lips and fiddled with her fingers. "I tried..."

"Yes, you did but you failed."

She pouted, turning her gaze back to woman in front of her. "Jin Mingze is the type of man that's not easily seduced you know. Even if it's you, I hardly bet that he can be seduced by you."

"Do you want me to try?" Ye Fanfan smirked as she placed her mug back on the table.

"No! He's mine! You can't just steal my target!" She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Seems like you didn't give up on him."

She stretched her lips into a thin line. She didn't want to tell her mother that she already gave up on him.

She had already begged and yet she was already rejected by him. She didn't want to go after him after that. She was not desperate.

There are so many fish in the ocean. She kept on convincing herself whenever she was feeling depressed about what happened.

Ye Fanfan was scrutinizing her daughter's expression. "Did you fall for him?"

Ye Shuxin deeply frowned, "No! Of course not!"

"Then what's with that look?" Her mother inquired.

"It's just..." She sighed. "I actually like his daughter more than him."

Her mother's eyes went wide in surprise, a gasp came out from her. "Are you... actually a pedophile?"

"..." Ye Shuxin ended up choking on her own saliva.


"What?! No! I'm not a pedophile!"

Because of her sudden outburst, the other customers in the cafe ended up looking her way. Even her co-workers were looking at her in a weird way.

Her face became bright red out of embarrassment. She lowered her head and used her hand to hide her face.

"But said that you like his daughter more than that handsome man." Ye Fanfan tilted her head to the side, looking innocent at her daughter as if she never embarrassed her a few seconds ago.

"She's an angel!" Ye Shuxin whisper-yelled and glaring at her mother.

"Then you're indeed a pedo."

"I only like her as a mother!" She gritted her teeth.

A mother?

Ye Fanfan raised a brow, "What do you mean as a mother? She's not your child."

"She isn't but if ever I'm going to have a child one day, I want my child to be as adorable like her."

"I see. Anyway... you should forget about the Jin family if they won't accept you in it. You should finish your studies first before starting your own family. Don't be like me."

For some reason, her mother's words hurt like daggers in her chest. No, she wasn't hurt because of the part where her mother wanted her to stay away from the Jin family. She was hurt because of the words 'Don't be like me.'

Ye Shuxin reached out and held her mother's hand, "Once I will have my own family, I want to be a mother like you." Who cares so much about her children.