
Maybe it was because he was longing for his wife that he ended up believing that maybe, just maybe, the woman in front of him was his wife.

All her ticklish part was the same as Chen Rui's. There's no mistaking it. The thought of Ye Shuxin being Chen Rui lingered in his mind and what gave him hope about that was because... Chen Rui's body was never found after the accident.

There were only 3 survivors and 2 missing people in that accident. Chen Rui was one of those missing people.

It was true, Ye Shuxin and Chen Rui looked similar. The photo of Ye Shuxin that was in the report that his assistant gave him showed that but there was something, something different with it.

Aside from their age gap, their mannerisms were different.

"Let go of me, Jin Mingze!"

He was snapped out of his thoughts because of Ye Shuxin's voice that he almost mistaken as Chen Rui's.

Was it really possible?

Before he let go, he made sure that the tears on his eyes were wiped away.

Of course, Ye Shuxin saw that gesture, making her look at him with sad eyes.

"You must have missed her a lot..." She muttered under her breath.

She was angry at him but she couldn't bring herself to continue that up when she saw him that way.

There was no more cold and pokerfaced man in front of her. The man in front of her only longed for the woman he truly loved... or maybe, he only loved. It was heartbreaking. Imagining what he might have gone through made her pity him but at the same time, she felt more jealous because of that.

She was having a hard time, snatching him from a dead woman. It was so irritating as well.

He finally pulled away from her, "Go back to your room."

"Gladly." She sat up and stood up, she looked at him one last time before she turned and left him there without giving him a second look.

Jin Mingze stared at her leaving figure. When she finally closed the door, he took out his phone and dialed Qiu Landi, his assistant's number.

It was in the middle of the night so obviously, Qiu Landi was already asleep. He was only woken up because of the call.

"Hello...? Who's this?" Qiu Landi's groggy voice was heard from the other line. He answered the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Gather all the information you can get concerning Ye Shuxin's parents." And with that, Jin Mingze ended the call.


The next day, Ye Shuxin went to quit from her work and bring her things back to Jin Mingze's place.

In the music room...

Ye Shuxin was sitting on the sofa while Yanyan was having her piano lessons from a music teacher.

It was amazing, how Yanyan was playing the piano like a pro and how disciplined she was despite her age.

She was currently playing the piece 'Once upon a December'. The sound of the piano filled the air without effort, like a snowflake falling on the ground one by one.

It was amazing, really. When Ye Shuxin was at her age, she was probably playing with her toys or crying for food. She couldn't remember since that was so many years ago but she was sure that it was either of those two.

While Yanyan was having her piano lessons, Ye Shuxin decided to check on her Wechat since she received a couple of messages since earlier. She also saw that she was added to a group chat.

The first message from Dai Zhaoyi, her roommate, asking her how she was. After giving her a reply, she checked the group chat that was added in.

She realized that the members of the group were all her second-year section A high school classmates and they were talking about having a reunion.

"It has just been a few years... they wanted to have a reunion at once?" She mumbled to herself.

Since Ye Shuxin was delayed a year when it came to college, all her classmates should be in their second year now.

As she scrolled through the previous messages, she found out that it was actually Nai Yuge who suggested to have a reunion. She wanted to use that opportunity to announce her engagement with Lay Zhang to her old friends.

This made Ye Shuxin scoffed. "Old friends? Old friends my ass."

She was sure that Nai Yuge must just want to flaunt that she got back with Lay Zhang and spread that their relationship is 'True love' shit. She suddenly had the urge to vomit upon thinking of that. She should just vomit on their faces.

"Mommy, what are you looking at?" Yanyan asked, peeking at her phone.

Ye Shuxin was snapped out of her trance, she looked at her and smiled, keeping her phone away. "Nothing."



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