I don't like you

"And now for the finishing step, you can draw anything on top using the ketchup." Ye Shuxin said with a smile.

"Can Yanyan draw a cat?"

"Of course."

Ye Shuxin was with Yanyan in the kitchen, teaching her how to cook an omelet for dinner. This was the scene that Jin Mingze and Jin Lisa saw when they returned and learned from Haofan that the two were in the kitchen.

It was such a warm sight, as if Yanyan was really spending her time with her real mother.

Jin Lisa was totally against having Ye Shuxin there but she couldn't change her brother's mind once he decided on something.

Aside from that, after hearing Ye Shuxin's origins from him, they both came to a conclusion that she must have blood connections with Chen Rui.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" She asked her brother.

"It's the only way." He simply said before he entered.

"This doesn't look like a cat, mommy." Yanyan pouted sadly, looking at the mess she made with the ketchup.

"Uh... Let's try again. Here, use mine." She replaced Yanyan's omelet rice with her share. This time, she decided to assist and help her in drawing a cat using the ketchup. "There you go."

The child smiled happily when she saw the outcome of what they draw. "It's so cute!"

Ye Shuxin noticed someone looking at her so when she raised her head, she saw Jin Mingze, standing in front of the table.

"Oh, you're just in time for dinner." She turned to Jin Lisa who was standing by the doorpost. "I guess you're joining us for tonight, huh?"

"No thanks, I have other important things to do. " She replied coldly.

"Eeeeh? Auntie is not going to stay?" Yanyan pouted.

Her eyes softened when she turned to her niece, "I would love to stay, it's just-"

"I'm here, that's why." Ye Shuxin cut off, not holding back at all.

Yanyan pouted as she turned to her mother, "Mommy, be nice."

"I want to be nice but her presence is annoying me right now." For some reason, she couldn't stop herself from disliking Jin Lisa.

She was already used to how the people were looking at her in this mansion. It was actually tiring that she was always being compared with Chen Rui by the people in this house. Now, Jin Lisa was one of them. The only person who was seeing her for who she really was, was only Yanyan.

"I don't like you." Jin Lisa said as she glared coldly at her.

Ye Shuxin smirked, "Oh don't worry, miss. I don't like you too."

"Then that settles it. Stay out of my way."

"With pleasure. As long as you don't cross mine." Ye Shuxin replied with a smile.

Jin Lisa turned to her brother, "You're going to regret bringing her here." And with that, she turned and left the trio there.

Yanyan watched her auntie leave. She crossed her arms and turned to her mother with a scolding gaze, "Mommy, you did a good job. Mommy did a good job on ruining things."

Ye Shuxin chuckled at her remark, "Yeah. Thank you always for your praise and support, princess."

Jin Mingze went and sat on the chair, he was being quiet as usual.

And just like that, they had their dinner together, with mostly Ye Shuxin and Yanyan doing the talk.

After they left, Jin Mingze took a tissue and with that, he took the glass that Ye Shuxin used earlier.

He turned to Haofan, "Take this and run a DNA test on Ye Shuxin and Yan'er."

Haofan was surprised by his master's words. There could only be one reason why he wanted to do it. Jin Mingze must have wanted to make sure that Ye Shuxin is not Chen Rui, right?

He has been working in the household for so long and he has met his Madam. Her mannerisms were truly different from Ye Shuxin but because of their similarities in physical traits, he was curious about the results as well.

What if she was actually related to her?

Without questioning his master, Haofan took the glass and quietly left the place.



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