It's only a cookie

Chen Rui went and took a shower and after she did, she went out, wearing a bathrobe. She sat in front of the vanity table and reached out for the hair blower but before she was able to grab it, Jin Mingze took it from her.

"Let me do it for you."

She looked at him through the vanity mirror and let out a small smile on her lips. "Okay."

As he started drying her hair, Chen Rui closed her eyes, feeling relaxed.

"Mingze... Can you do me a favor?"


"Don't tell anyone about the fact that I'm alive." She didn't want to be monitored by the people after her. Using 'Ye Shuxin's identity was giving her access to freely move around.

"Don't worry, I am not planning on telling anyone in the first place anyway."

Hearing his words brought warmth in her heart. It was the right decision to trust him.

Their relationship in the past may be a mess but for some reason, she has always trusted him when it came to secrets. Maybe it was because of the fact that Jin Mingze is a quiet person.

"Thank you."

They became quiet again. Only the sound coming from the hair blower was heard. After he was done drying her hair, he started brushing her soft, silk-like long hair.

"Since we're starting a new... what do you think of becoming friends first?" Chen Rui suggested as she opened her eyes and looked at him through the mirror with a smile on her face.

He paused from brushing her hair and raised a brow at her suggestion, "How can we be friends when we already love each other?"

"Friends love each other you know." She grinned.

"I love you in a romantic way, not as a friend." He bluntly said before he continued on brushing. "Also, you're my wife. We can't be friends."

He definitely won't agree on it.

She blushed because of what he said. She pouted, "You're parents taught you to buy what you break, right?"

"Yes." He placed the brush back on the table.

"Did you know that a heart costs $200,000?" She turned and looked at him as she crossed her arms. "You broke my heart so you have to give me my money."

He chuckled at her remark. This side of her was truly new for him but maybe it was because he never really tried to know the real her in the past that's why he was not used with this kind of side.

"You also broke my heart so we're quits." He said and crossed his arms as well.

"You're supposed to say yes and quietly pay me up!" She pouted.

He blinked a few times. Was he supposed to do that?

"I'm your wife so you should give me whatever I demand."

"Yes." He pinched her chin lightly and leaned down, "Since you are my wife, you don't have to ask me for money anymore. All of it belongs to you. Use it however you want."

Damn rich man.

Oh yeah. This rich bastard is her husband.

She almost drooled when he said that. She may have come from a rich family but after leaving the Chen family, she had to work hard to earn money.

He moved his face closer to her and pecked her lips softly. "It's time for us to go to bed."

He released her chin and leaned back. He turned away and was about to leave when he was suddenly stopped by her.

Chen Rui stopped her husband by hugging him from behind.

"I'm not a good person you know."

"And so am I."

She released him and smiled, "But you're actually being good to me right now."

"I'm only good for my family." He looked at her and smiled. He reached out and touched her cheek, stroking gently with his thumb.

Her eyes softened, "Thank you."

Those words were enough for her. Enough to strengthen her trust in him.


The next day...

"Yanyan, why are you removing the frosting from the cookie?" Chen Rui asked as she placed a glass of milk on the table.

"The best part of the oroe is the black cookie part, mommy."

Jin Mingze was busy eating his breakfast. He only paused when he heard what their daughter said.

"Yan'er, darkness without light is an abyss, light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side."

Chen Rui ended up rolling her eyes, "Hey Socrates, it's just a cookie."

Yanyan nodded with a pout, "Yes! It's only a cookie daddy!"

He smiled, "At least Yan'er is able to learn something while eating."

"It's honestly not the time for that." Chen Rui sighed. She sat down on the chair that was beside Yanyan.

A few moments after she began eating, Haofan came.

"Master, your sister is here."

"Let her in." Jin Mingze said.

"You know, I used to be jealous of Harry Pot for being able to talk to snakes until I realized that I was doing it all along."

Yanyan eyes sparkled in excitement, "Mommy can talk to snakes?"

"Yes. Watch me, sweetie." Chen Rui turned her head to the dining room's door and by the time she did, Jin Lisa entered.

Chen Rui quickly put on a fake smile, "Good morning, sister-in-law."



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