They're leaving

Somewhere in Beijing, inside an isolation room, a woman was lying down on the bed. An IV drip connected on her hand and the sound of the beeping machines, including her heartbeat, was the only music in that room.

Her almond-colored hair grew long, her face was as flawless as a peeled egg. Her thick lashes rested on her cheeks. She is a real beauty. Her lovely sleeping face looked like an angel.

Sleeping Beauty or any of the beautiful princesses couldn't even compare to her. At least that that was what the man thought as he stood outside, watching her from the glass window.

"When will she wake up?" He asked the woman who was standing beside him, wearing a white lab coat.

"We still cannot tell sir. We can only wait."

That was the same answer he received from the medical team he assigned for her.

"Chen Rui... you have to wake up." The man whispered, his face was filled with anguish. He stared at her from afar and sighed heavily before he turned away.