
Shortly after what happened, when all of them finally calmed down, Ou Yuan accompanied both his ex-wife and son out of the hospital.

He was supposed to drop them to the bus stop but he decided to offer them a ride.

Xie Anran was sitting at the backseat while holding her sleeping son in her arms. His eyes were salty and he became tired from all the crying after all.

Ever since the hug that Ou Yuan gave her, Xie Anran didn't say a word, not once.

For some reason, there was awkwardness between them. Not just that, Ou Yuan could feel the wall that the woman behind was building in between them.

He couldn't really blame her for that. He has already expected ever since he saw her again that going back to their usual relationship was going to be hard but... With Xie Hanyu, their son as a bridge, he knew that one day, everything will turn out fine. He just has to be patient and also has to try his best to make up for his mistakes.