I'm flattered

Just as Chen Rui expected, she saw the van and car following her after they got out of the traffic area. They really were so persistent, aren't they? Oh well, their adamant minds were going to be the cause of their downfall because of the trap that she had set for them.

She increased the speed of her car just so she could put distance between them as she arrived shortly at an abandoned factory building. There stood a lone structure, reaching the sky...it was left disregarded with no one near it. overtime the bricks had weakened, the paint wore off and layers of dust coated over it. the building surely looked aged.

It had been abandoned but was taken over by pigeons fluttering in the rooms and nesting by the windows, spiders building webs, and bats sheltered here for the night.

She left the car, carrying the gun she covered earlier, a Beretta APX.