Chapter 1

Third Person's POV

"At laaaast!" Jennie breathed the fresh air of Jeju "A nice vacation after months of working our ass off!"

V laughed at his sister "We should get going, sister. You can't have your nice vacation if you keep on standing there."

They called a taxi and they finally reached their destination.

"Venus hotel." Jennie read the hotel's building before they went inside

They booked two rooms next to each other. They took their separate ways to have their rest.

Jennie stared at the ceiling while she lay on her bed. Thinking anything but work. This is her birthday gift for herself after months of running her boutique.

Her phone rang in her bag, she briskly sat up and fetched her phone.

"Mom?" She said after pressing the answer button

"Mommy! I miss you!" Gab said

Jennie smiled after hearing her daughter's voice "I miss you too, Gab. Sorry if I can't take you here with me. Where is grandma?"

"She's beside me, mommy. She allowed me to use her phone to call you. How is Jeju, mom?"

"We just got here, Gab. Your uncle V and I will start to explore later."

"Mom? Can I say something?" Gab asked in her cute voice, it makes me want to go home and embrace her

"Go, baby. Mom's listening."

"Since you and daddy Kai broke up.. when will you get me a new daddy?"

I almost choked in her last sentence. Jisoos! This baby girl of mine, I swear!

"Uhm. Gab.."

"I'm not rushing you, mommy. I just miss you smiling."

I sighed "Thank you and I'm sorry, Gab." Jennie yawned

She heard Gab giggled from the other line "You're must be tired mom. Take a rest mom and enjoy your vacation."

"I will, baby Gab. Bye. I love you."

"I love you too, mommy."

'Gab is not my real daughter, I adopted her when she was just five months old and now she's already five. When I adopted her, my parents was against it. They said I was too young to take the responsibilities but I was desperate to have a baby that time.

I was just in my third year college when I got her. It wasn't easy raising her since I didn't come from a wealthy family. I'm studying at day and I'm working at night, there are times where I want to give up but every time I look at my daughter, there's always something inside me igniting to fight still and continue to achieve my dreams.'



V and I started to explore around two in the afternoon. He took lots of pictures of me since he's into photography.

"You tired already?" I smiled at my brother "Let's go back to the hotel, your heart must be tired by now."

V has had a heart problem since birth. He's one of the reasons why I'm working my ass off. I want my brother to live long and I'm saving money for his operation.

"I'm sorry, noona. You should be enjoying your vacation, I'm always a burden to you."

I slightly smacked his head "Stop it. You're never a burden to me."

V and I got inside the car we rented.

V instantly fell asleep after minutes of drive.


"Dongsaeng, wake up. We're here." I slightly tapped his head "Let's eat dinner."

His eyes fluttered "I fell asleep." He murmured before he sat properly

We went to the restaurant inside the hotel.

While waiting for our food, we chatted about the things we did today and I'm glad that V enjoyed our first day here.

My phone buzzed from my purse. I took it and opened a not so important message.

"I miss you and Gab. Please give me another chance." -Kai

"With the look in your face.. It's Kai, right?" V spoke

I nodded "He's still asking for another chance. If I'll reply, it will be the 20th time that I'll turn him down."

"Why, noona?"

I placed my phone on the top of the table "What do you mean, why?"

"I mean.. Why did you fall out of love with him?"

"I.." I sighed "I guess.." another sigh "I don't know."

Should I tell him? Should I tell him that Kai cheated on me? V will surely get mad and I don't want that to affect his heart.

"We both know that you know the answer but I won't force you if you're not ready to tell me."

"Thank you, V."


I can't sleep. I kept on rolling around my bed.

"Aish." I sat up and said, "Three shots of tequila won't hurt."

Who I am kidding? I know I'll end up crawling back to my hotel room.

After I dressed up, I went to the club located inside the hotel.

I scanned the club the moment I stepped inside. Sweat and alcohol greeted my nostrils.

I sat on the bar stool "Three shots of tequila, please!"

Just three shots. Just three shots. Just three shots.

The bartender served the three inviting tequila in front of me.

The burning sensation in my throat strangely made me relax.

"The usual, please." The person sat beside me ordered

I drank the second glass of tequila. My throat screams for more. No, Jennie Kim! You're not going to ruin your vacation with a hangover tomorrow.

I placed my payment on the top of the counter. I was about to stand when the person beside me spoke.

"Leaving too soon?"

I frowned "Excuse me?"

He chuckled "I'm Jimin." He offered a shake hands

I just stared at his hand.

"I'll go now."

"Wait." He offered a glass of margarita this time "Just one shot."

"You'll stop if I accepted this?" I coldly asked

He nodded.

I sighed before taking his offer.

"Happy?" I glared at him

Walking past the dancing strangers around me, I suddenly feel light headed. I only had four shots, what's happening to me?

The Jimin guy suddenly appeared beside me before I lost my balance.

My vision started to spin.

"Wh..what's happening me?"

Jimin smirked while supporting my body weight "Sleep, baby girl. You'll experience heaven later."

And that was the last thing I remembered before my vision went black.