Planting Orchards

Li Ming spent her next week in the preparation of the third part of the fields. This one was the hardest out of the three as they were going to plant orchards.

Zhang Yong didn't help her in the labor but he also didn't disturb her. Li Ming worked hard with the farmers and their families entire week. They ploughed the fields, watered them. Then again ploughed them after one day and mix a lot of manure in the soil. Li Ming also sprinkled some spirit gathering potion that she had made after a lot of research and failure, but in the end succeeded.

She had already planted the seeds of various fruits in a special potion to increase their growth level, when she had first formed the plan. It had been two weeks already. It would take at least three more weeks before the plants would be big enough for planting in the soil.

This would also give them enough time to prepare the soil with enough spiritual energy to support the growth of the plants.

Zhang Yong made sure to make her cultivate every night. Both of them spent their whole night for the entire week cultivating near the foot of the Thundering Mountains. The spiritual energy there was even more denser than the village.

Since Zhang Yong was cultivating since his birth and was provided with the best methods of the cultivation, he  had many tricks up his sleeve for cultivation.

Li Ming realized that the method that Zhang Yong had taught her was really beneficial in gathering more spiritual energy in less time.

She also kept teaching the children of the orphanage. She taught the kitchen group some new dishes, gave a few new designs to the designer group to learn and spent two hours everyday in teaching them yoga and martial arts.

On the last day of the week, Li Ming gave the villagers a day off and teleported Zhang Yong and Xian back to the Black Jade Inn.

Zhang Yong left due to some unknown but important matter and promised to visit her soon.

Last time Li Ming had already asked Elder Fu to inform Wei Rong and his group of friends to visit the inn on Sunday if they wanted to meet her.

Like always she spent two hours of her day in the Herb Hall as she learned about the spiritual herbs. Zhang Yong had also given her some books on medical knowledge when they were at the village.

After a few minutes of her return to the inn from the Herb Hall, Li Ming got a visit from her new friends.

Wei Min was angry with Li Ming for nearly vanishing out of the Black Market for two whole weeks.

The game of Stratego was becoming more and more famous in the Imperial City.

To please Wei Min and the others, Li Ming played with them for the rest of the afternoon as a way of her to say sorry without pronouncing the words.

She prepared dinner for the entire Black Jade Inn with the help of Huang Sisters. Though it took them almost more than two hours as the number of customers of the Black Jade Inn was really huge.

But after a whole month of training, the Huang Sisters were getting better and better.

The dishes that were served :

(including wine for those who wanted to pay 500 silvers for one glass and soda for the rest)

# Chicken Tikka

# Yoshoku

# Japanese Omelette Rice

# Spaghetti

# Doughnuts

Everyone enjoyed the meal and again Black Jade Inn made a lot of money.

For the rest of the month Li Ming worked with the farmers in the fields and kept teaching the children of the orphanage.

On every Sunday she spent her day taking care of the Black Jade Inn's business.

Wei Rong and the group also visited her on every Sunday to enjoy a few rounds of Stratego with her, after her morning classes in the Herb Hall.

The Inn was making sufficient income and since she was using her magical powers to keep the inn's business keep flowing, she only needed to pay the salary to the staff. Other than that she didn't spent a single coin.

Just in two months she had made enough money to be considered as one of the rich people of the Capital City. Although she was not rich enough to compete with the noble families like the Prime Minister or the General manor but she had only been in this business for two months.

By the end of the month, the fruit seeds that she had planted in the potion, were ready to be planted in the soil.

Li Ming spent four days in the plantation of the fruit orchards. Due to the special care for the past month, the soil was full of spiritual energy.

They planted apples, mangoes , peaches, bananas, dragon fruits, grape vines, strawberry and oranges.

After the hard work of more than a month, the farming task was completed. Now they only needed to take care of the plants and provide them with proper water and manure.

Li Ming made Old Sir Liu Incharge of the farming. She gave him proper instructions and left more than two dozen manure bags at his house.

She was sure that as long as Sir Liu would be the incharge she didn't have to worry about the farming work.

But before leaving the village she had a last task to complete. That night she paid a special visit to Han Zhe, he was the person who had been providing the villagers with the seeds.

Li Ming had an invisibility spell on her, so no one noticed as she slip inside the house.

Just as she entered the yard she found two man talking there.

"I have heard that she had not only freed the fields from the poison but she had also given the entire crop production of the last season to the villagers." One of the man was saying.

It was clear that these two people were talking about her.

"They had already planted the crops and even vegetables & fruits." The man continued.

The expression of the other person was not good at all. It was like someone had robbed his entire wealth.

"Han Zhe, this is not good. If this continues then we will become beggars!"

Oh! So these two men were Han Zhe, the person who provides seeds to the villagers and Lian Hu, the money lander.

She was correct when she had concluded that these both were working together.