Watering The Fields

Li Ming felt herself coming out of her unconsciousness. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the sky full of stars above her.

Zhang Yong looked at the girl in his arms who was looking at the sky silently. He was so worried about her and here she was, admiring the night sky like she had not been unconscious for nearly two hours.

The moment she fainted, Snowy had thrusted a vial full of golden liquid in Zhang Yong's hand. At first he wanted to feed her a high grade pill but then decided to go with the golden liquid.

Her breathing relaxed after drinking the potion and color returned to her face. Only then Zhang Yong relaxed. He didn't remember the last time when he was this much concerned for someone.

Li Ming realized that she was lying in Zhang Yong's arms. But seeing that he didn't pushed her away after she opened her eyes, she also didn't move away. She was too lazy to move. Moreover it felt good to let someone hold her and of course she was getting a nice view of the beautiful night sky above.

"So beautiful!" Li Ming said as she continued to stare at the stars.

"Right! Beautiful!" Li Ming heard Zhang Yong saying those words. She moved her head to look at his handsome face.

Rather than looking at the sky, he was looking at her. A smile broke on her face as she realized that he was talking about her and not the night sky full of stars.

"Why did you use so much of your powers when you are not ready?" Zhang Yong asked with worry as he looked into her sparkling eyes.

"The tube well is important for the farming." Li Ming replied but saw that Zhang Yong was still staring at her. Sometimes she felt that he could see through her every barrier. Like he could see through her soul.

She sighed and asked, "You knew about my cultivation level, right!" It was not exactly a question.

Zhang Yong smiled lightly and said in a soft voice, "From the very beginning. That's why I'm impressed by your progress. Just in a month you had already reached the seventh level of Basic Cultivation."

Zhang Yong took hold of her hand and placed it above his heart. He didn't give her a chance to move her hand out of his hold as he placed his own hand over her's.

Li Ming felt the warmth under her hand. The soft fabric of his black garments and the hardness of his chest.

She gulped down her nervousness and looked at Zhang Yong's face.

"You know that you can trust me, right! I'll keep everything deep in here and never tell a soul." Zhang Yong said as he pressed her hand to his heart.

Li Ming nodded her head as she looked at the man in front of her. She knew that she could trust him but she's not ready, not yet.

"I know. One day, I'll tell you. But maybe not now." Li Ming said carefully. She didn't wanted to hurt him.

Zhang Yong smiled and pulled her closer in his arms. "I'll wait for that day patiently. Just remember to not over do yourself. Alright?"

Li Ming nodded her head and promised. She looked at the tube well and realized something, "Oh no!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yong asked as Li Ming got out of his arms and stood up.

"I'm supposed to water the vegetable plants otherwise they will wither." Li Ming replied as she moved towards the tube well.

She had already exhausted herself, there's no point she could use her magic. She looked at Zhang Yong and smiled.

"Come here."

"What do you want?" Zhang Yong asked as he walked up to where she was standing.

"I need you to use your cultivation powers to direct the water from the tube well into the fields. Can you do that?" Li Ming asked.

Zhang Yong nodded his head. He made a gesture of his hand and the water started flowing out of the tube well towards the fields.

Li Ming was completely speechless. She looked at Zhang Yong like she was looking at her idol.

Zhang Yong looked at the worshipping gaze of Li Ming and laughed lightly. His laughter was like a sweet melody in the dark and silent night.

"What! Impressed by my Cultivation powers?"

She was indeed impressed. If she had to do that task it would have probably taken two - three minutes for her to make the water flow according to her command.

She had not seen many people using their cultivation powers in this world. Most people around her were from normal or poor family. They spent their time in working and earning money for their families rather than cultivating.

The only people who were slightly better in cultivation were the group of young masters whom she had met in the Black Jade Inn, but there was never a situation for them to use their power.

More or less, it was her first time seeing someone using their cultivation energy. And she sure was impressed. Although the techniques were different but the results were same as her magical powers.

But being impressed didn't mean that she had to boost his ego to another level. And she sure was not going to let Zhang Yong feel that he had impressed her in any way.

She laughed mockingly and said, "Don't flatter yourself, Your Highness!"

She didn't talk to Zhang Yong anymore and focused on her work. For the next three and a half hour, the two of them silently worked in the fields and watered the entire first and second part of the fields.

After they had completed their work, Li Ming changed Zhang Yong's appearance slightly. Although he already told her that he had never came to the village before but she still not wanted to take any chance.

In his new appearance he still looked like a rich young master but no one could recognize him as the Fourth Prince of the Han Empire anymore.