The Supreme Immortal

A place far from Han Empire and the current location of Li Ming.....

Disciples in light blue and white clothes were busy in their daily routines. One group was practicing some sort of martial arts and some were busy in chanting the sect rules.

A group of girls could be seen extracting lotus seeds from the little ponds.

In a different compound, another group of young disciples was observing an elder group performing medical treatments.

The place was surrounded by eye catching scenery. A very beautiful waterfall, a very vast land of forest and high mountain peaks. On the highest mountain peak was a beautiful manor.

Only a limited number of people were allowed to enter this manor. The manor was beautifuly constructed and the gardens were filled with colorful flowers.

Little butterflies and honeybees could be seen wondering all around these flowers. A nice and light breeze was blowing, rustling the leaves of the tall trees.

In one of these garden was a pavilion made of light purple and red stones. Inside the pavilion, a man in dark blue colored clothes was sitting behind a table, playing a soothing melody on Zither.

His long black silky smooth hair was tied up high with a golden band. He had a sharp face which was extremely handsome, a rather straight nose and sexy red lips. His eyes were closed as he was deeply engulfed in the music. And one could see his long and dark eyelashes.

The man was such a beauty that anyone could be mesmerized whether it was a man or a woman.

A guard was kneeling in front of the man as he waited for his master's reply.

The man finally ended his song and looked at the kneeling guard. The zither disappeared from the table with the flick of the man's sleeve.

"Do you know that poison is one of the speciality of the medical sect and you are saying that a 14 year old girl cured the poison that was invented by the brilliant disciples of medical sect. Not only that but that little monster Zhang Yong was now roaming around freely!" The anger and frustration was clear in his voice.

"Supreme Immortal, the information is true. A little girl really cured Fourth Prince Zhang just with some kind of elixir." The guard said as he kept kneeling.

"Alright! You can leave. I will take care of this matter personally." The Supreme Immortal said and dismissed the guard.

The guard bowed and left the pavilion as another man in dark clothes entered.

"My Lord, everything is prepared for the coming full moon. If nothing unexpected happened then we sure will get the 'White Pearl Lotus', just like the last time.

The man in blue clothes nodded his head and then said, "Pay more attention to this one. I have a strong feeling like something will surely go wrong this time. I just hope it's not related with Zhang Yong. I still can't believe that a little girl cured him."

"My Lord, this information is indeed true. I think it will not take too long before the Shadow Lord will start to cause havoc in your life again." The man in dark clothes said, holding his laugh inside to avoid the wrath of Supreme Immortal.

Just at that moment a sudden breeze blew through the garden and a silhouette in dark black clothes appeared inside the pavilion.

"Look like you guys are missing me!" The man in black clothes said with a soft chuckle and settled down on the table beside the Supreme Immortal.

"His Highness the Fourth Prince! This servant will take his leave." The man in dark clothes greeted Zhang Yong and then took his leave.

"Every time I come here to pay you guys a visit, you try to avoid me like a plague!" Zhang Yong shouted at the retreating back of the man in dark clothes, who in return pretended like he heard nothing.

"That monster!" Zhang Yong said while making a face.

"You are the one who's a monster! What are you doing here?" The Supreme Immortal said angrily.

"Didn't I just said that I came here to see you? I was just free for past few days and feeling very lonely, since my Ming'er is not with me. So, I decided to come and visit you. I know that your happiness level rises up every time you see me!" The teasing was as clear as day in Zhang Yong's voice.

But the Supreme Immortal was still stuck to the word Ming'er, which Zhang Yong had said with so much emotion and affection.

He looked at the Prince sharply as he asked, "Who's this Ming woman?"

"Ahh?" Zhang Yong stopped in the middle of whatever he was telling and looked at the handsome man who was looking even more cute with that little hint of frustration on his face.

"I told you so many words, lines and even changed the topic to your zither but you are still stuck on my Ming'er. As expected, that girl can even attract the attention of the Supreme Immortal without even meeting him." Zhang Yong said with such an expression like he was proud of Li Ming.

"Is she the same girl who cured you?" The Supreme Immortal was still not ready to move on from this topic.

"I knew that you are going to find out the truth. After all you love me the.....Ahhh!!!" Before Zhang Yong could finish whatever nonsense he was speaking, he was hit with a strong force of spiritual energy.

Although this energy was not powerful enough to hurt him badly but it was surely enough to rock his ground.

The Fourth Prince leaped from his chair and stood at the other end of the pavilion, staring at the Supreme Immortal.

"Shadow Lord, I'm busy right now so I'll not entertain you. I hope you can see yourself out." The Supreme Immortal said as he stood up from his seat.

It looked like he was going to leave when he suddenly said, "And I will find out about this Lady Ming, who can even cure the poison of my Medical Sect." He then disappeared in blue smoke.

Zhang Yong looked at the last wisps of smoke that vanished within seconds and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"I'll also be waiting patiently for the moment when you finally meet my Ming'er. Knowing the personality of you two, it sure will be an awesome show!"

With a soft chuckle, the silhouette of the Fourth Prince also disappeared from the pavilion.

The last rays of the setting sun was shining on the top of the tall trees. The butterflies and honeybees returned to their nests/home as the day came to an end.