Blood Bond

Li Ming let out a deep breath as she finally opened her tightly closed eyes. She couldn't remember the last time when she was this much afraid of facing a person.

But when she opened her eyes she seriously wanted to cry out on her bad luck. Rather than being inside her mansion, she was still standing inside the Maple Tree. The little Huli Jing was wrapped around her legs tightly as if its life depended on Li Ming.

On the other hand, she couldn't see the expression of the man in black robes since his face was covered in a mask but his body was stiffer than before.

Li Ming looked around and it suddenly dawned on her that the loud thundering sounds had disappeared.

Everything was as quiet as it was before the thunderstorms had declared the arrival of a very pissed Immortal Lord.

"What's happening?" Suddenly a little squeal was heard as a female voice disturbed the silence.

But it was neither Li Ming nor the baby fox who had spoken. Rather the question came from the man in black.

With a flick of Li Ming's hand, the hood of the cloak slipped away and to everyone's surprise, the person in the black robes was actually a young girl, probably in her late teens.

Her dark black eyes were full of shock and fear. The raven black hair was falling down covering most of her face. She was actually cute.

Li Ming observed the girl for a moment. She was about to question her when another voice disturbed the silence.

One by one all the pixies enter the Maple Tree, looking around in shock and awe.

The little Huli Jing let out a deep growl as it noticed the strange flying creatures that entered its territory.

Due to some unknown reason, it had come across more intruders than what it predicted.

Terra was the first one who noticed the little fox and flew directly to where it was growling, hiding slightly behind Li Ming.

And just with a simple pat, the fairy succeeded in taming the previously growling baby fox.

"What are you all doing here? And how did you even came out of the mansion?" Li Ming asked Alvina.

"Li it's you who brought this tree inside the mansion!" Rather than Alvina, it was Snowy who quickly answered her question.

"I did what?" Li Ming asked with a surprised tone. Her mind had suddenly refused to work.

"Follow me, you will see it for yourself," Alvina said as she started flying towards the portal which would lead them out of the Maple Tree.

When Li Ming crossed the portal, she was standing in her mansion's backyard which was now the pixie's new home.

But to her shock, the Maple Tree was now standing there too in its full glory. The portal door was still there glowing in bright orange and yellow light.

"How did it happen?" Li Ming asked particularly to no one. She was completed confused.

She again entered the Maple Tree and looked at the Baby Fox, who for some unknown reason was looking anywhere but at her.

She picked the little furball up and brought it to her eye level. "Why this tree got teleported with me to my mansion?"

Her tone was cold and her glare was screaming danger. The little furball squirmed in her hands as it tried to free itself from the Goddess who had suddenly become a Demoness.

In all it's squirming and trying to free itself, the baby fox ended up scratching Li Ming's hand. The fox stilled in her hands instantly the moment blood appeared on her skin.

The scratch was barely an inch long and it wasn't deep too. But before Li Ming could heal herself, something unexpected happened.

The baby fox who gave her the scratch licked her blood off her hand. It kept licking her blood like it was the tastiest elixir of the world.

Li Ming was so shocked that she didn't react at all. She just stared at the little furball in her hands.

Her trance was only broken down when a bright white light started covering both of them.

It barely took her a moment to realize what was happening. They were forming a blood bond. The moment baby fox licked her blood, it initiated a blood bond.

Li Ming's first thought was to push the baby fox away so that the bond couldn't complete, but right at that moment the baby fox stopped licking her blood and looked up at her eyes.

The small bright golden eyes that were radiating so much warmth and innocence stopped Li Ming from what she was about to do, as she felt her heart-melting.

She looked around and found that everyone was looking at her and the baby fox in astonishment.

Her eyes landed on the one she was looking for. She was expecting to see hurt or possibly sadness in Snowy's eyes but to her amazement, her familiar was radiating so much happiness.

"Are you not angry?" Li Ming asked him through the mind link.

"Why I would be angry? I will finally have a companion. I'm too happy right now. Don't you remember that I always wanted companions, a lot of them? Please Win, please complete your bond with this baby fox!" Snowy's eyes were literally pleading her and that's all took her to agree.

She held the Huli Jing in her arms in a comfortable position and put her index finger of her free hand on its forehead.

A blue light ball entered its head and the next moment there was a very beautiful mark that appeared on its head.

The mark was made of a star surrounded by flames in three different colors - red, purple, and blue. It was so small but at the same time so mesmerizing.

After a few seconds, the light that was surrounding both of them disappeared as the bond completely formed.

Li Ming chuckled as the baby fox rubbed itself in her arms and its tails wrapped around her hand.

She squatted down on the ground and stretched her free hand towards Snowy, signaling him to come over her.

In the blink of an eye, Snowy was standing next to Li Ming. She picked him up in her free hand and settled him comfortably in her other arm.

It was such a cute and adorable sight. A very beautiful fourteen years old girl holding a white pomeranian and a white baby fox spirit in her arms. The mesmerizing scenery only added to their beauty and charm.

"Looks like the Godly Maple Tree has finally chosen its Master."

A very deep and cold voice disturbed the beautiful moment that was going on.