Taking Responsibility

Li Ming squirmed as the bright sunlight disturbed her, waking her from the deep sleep that she was enjoying.

Somehow, she felt a weird but beautiful calmness in her heart. Her soul was feeling happy and excited for some unknown reason.

She tried to shield her eyes from the bright light that was filtering into her room through the large window.

As she sat up on her bed, the hangover finally hit her, making her grimace. 

"Ahh!" She rubbed her temples while crying out in pain. 

A fair and slender hand carrying a vial of a colorless liquid appeared in front of her eyes.

Li Ming immediately recognized the potion and without wasting a single second she gulped down the entire vial.

She was in no hurry to check who was the person in her bedroom, her entire focus was on getting rid of the headache that was killing her.

After two minutes or something, the potion finally kicked in and she relaxed as a sigh left her lips.