Breakfast Time

"Are you sure that you are okay?"

Li Ming almost banged her head on the cabinet filled with dishes as she once again heard Ruoshan asking the same question for the umpteenth time within the past two hours.

Currently, she was in the kitchen, about to prepare breakfast.

She had taken a long hot shower to get rid of the imagery dirt and that black glue-like thing.

Imagery? Yeah, because when she checked her body after shooing Ruoshan out of her bedroom, she found that there was nothing on her skin. No dirt, no scratches, her feet were also completely dirt free.

For a moment she almost thought that it was only a dream, probably a part of those dreams that were haunting her for weeks now.

But then the coldness that had seeped into her bones and was still freezing her, didn't make any sense.

As she scrubbed her skin and hair under the burning water, her mind was busy to understand if whatever happened was only a dream or a reality.