The Auction (Part Two)

"I'm not sure either. I just felt a tug towards this auction house,  as if something important is going to happen here today.  That's why I decided to attend this auction." The golden robed Immortal replied in an indifferent tone.

Three people who were bound to each other with their souls were sitting under the same roof, unknown to each other's presence.

Though all of them were feeling that lightest tug in their hearts which was trying to enlighten them about each other's presence.


In one of the private rooms on the third floor of the auction house, Li Ming was listening to the rules which the old shopkeeper was explaining.

Within the next five minutes, the auction officially started and the first item that was brought up the pedestal for the auction was a scroll that carried the formula of sleeping pills.

Li Ming sighed as she settled down in her seat. Her bored and uninterested behavior caught the attention of the Crown Prince.