Minghue Tea House

"Absolutely correct. I know that I was not on my best behavior before. I was too worried about you all the time and even tried to make sure that you don't do certain things, but I'm not gonna do that anymore," Ruoshan had confessed as he agreed with Lord Yueliang's words.

"After learning more about you, we all now know that you are strong enough to face any challenge. You are smart enough to make your own decisions. Of course, we will share our views on certain points but no one will force them on you. In the end, you are free to go along with your own choices." The Evernight Lord had continued.

Li Ming was so shocked by their words back then, but seeing how they all supported her had brought a smile to her face that night.

However, when she finally replied, she had noticed the soft twitch on Wen Guiying's lips which indicated that he was also touched by her reply.