Their First Kiss

Li Ming stared with wide eyes at the man who was nibbling on her lips with his teeth, biting it and making her gasp. She was definitely not prepared for it.

His eyes were closed as he continued playing with her lips.

She was not sure how to react, she just kept standing there dumbfounded, not even enjoying the soft warm lips that were sending tingles all over her body.

She finally got a hold on herself as she put her hands on Hei Long's shoulders to stop him. He was drunk, who knew if the next morning he started blaming her for taking advantage of his drunken state.

Nope! She couldn't give him such a chance to put another blame on her head and add another point against her in his list. 

But before she could push him away, the Second Demon Prince grabbed both of her hands and pulled them behind her back, holding them tightly.

His mouth became fierce as his lips moved against hers intensely, making her finally let out a soft moan.