The Old Man's Hut


Li Ming stared at the old man who looked like he was about to kill someone.


The questioning and confused look on her face made the old man's anger rise even higher.

"How dare you to set the blood cherry plant on fire? Little girl, don't you have any other important things in your life to do than setting plants on fire?" The old man shouted at her.

Li Ming folded her hands in front of her chest as she replied to the old man with her usual icy tone, "If not for setting that plant on fire, would you have come to open the ward for me?"

Her question left the old man shocked for a few moments but how could he be outdone by a little girl, therefore he started again.

"Even if I would have not come to open the ward, that doesn't mean you can go around setting plants on fire. And what do you even want to do here in the Snow Fields?"