Did The Deed

"If you are about to faint then you should consider immediately leaving this place. I'm not interested in dealing with a corpse."

The voice echoed through the empty valley of Snow Fields where Li Ming was currently trying to break through the thick ice that had covered the trunk of a huge tree.

According to the old man, the young girl had gone crazy. For the past hour, she was trying to break the frozen ice, and meanwhile, he was rummaging through his memory and dozens of scrolls to find out exactly what tree was that.

So far, he couldn't found a single use of the Sunleaf tree. Rather than its leaves being bright orange in color, nothing was exciting or unique about the tree.

Moreover, the old man could not remember if he had ever seen a single leaf on that tree in the past millennium.

Therefore, he could not understand why Li Ming was wasting so much energy and time on that tree. Or was it the ice that she wanted?