The Healing Little Cubs


Li Ming stared at the weird creatures that were surrounding her and her little furball who was completely lost in his dream world.

There was one foot to twelve feet tall flying white lions with a dark red fire symbol carved on their forehead, adding to their already marvelous beauty.

Another group of obsidian black colored tortoises with such unique eyes that could almost be called as hazel, were also present there.

However, what was the most surprising about those tortoises was the shocking scene when she noticed two baby tortoises sprinting in the back. 

Yep! They were sprinting. Not walking in their usual slow mode but sprinting and hopping at full speed.

Another flock of birds, from babies to almost seven feet tall, was also there. Holding black, brown, white, red, orange, and yellow color in such an extraordinary way on their body that it was almost impossible for her to remove her eyes from them.