Suffering of the Souls

"This is cheating, Ming. You can't leave me here!!" 

Snowy kept complaining as he stood in front of the opening of the Weapon Section of the Forbidden Grounds.

Li Ming betrayed him as she suddenly put him down on the ground and hurriedly entered into the column of Weapons using her soul mark.

The soul mark carried the essence of her six mates who were also connected with the wards and portals of the Forbidden Grounds.

Since she was carrying the essence of her mates, the Illusion arrays and the protection ward created at the opening of the Weapon Section did not stop her from entering inside the section.

"Ming! Are you listening? Come back and take me inside with you. Are you planning to freeze me to death here?" Snowy shouted at the top of his lungs and his voice boomed through the high walls of the ice cave.


However, no matter how loudly he shouted there was no trace of Li Ming anywhere. His cries were met with dead silence.