The Entrance Exam (Part Four)

"So? Are you ready to help us now?" Luo Ying asked her after the few moments of silence that had fallen over them.

"I have not made up my mind yet. I'm going to think about it. Don't disturb me for the next few hours." Li Ming said as she started turning around towards the staircase that would lead her back to her cabin.

However, even before she could take her first step towards her destiny, her arm was once again locked in the unnecessary grip of Luo Ying.

The Young Master was completely oblivious to the five Immortals who were currently going insane in their jealousy as they watched a tiny little boy touching their precious mate at every chance that he got.

The Pavilion where the five of them were sitting was filled with a dense cold and killing aura that was coming from the Immortals.

The guards that were stationed around the courtyard where the pavilions were located, were about to faint as they felt cold shivers running down their spines.