Building an Army of Enimies

As the morning sun shone brightly in the sky and the birds chirped happily as they flew around the courtyards, a group of young disciples in white clothes were seen standing in front of the entrance gate of the Academy.

"Since the Supreme Immortal is unable to attend the sorting ceremony this year due to some important reasons, unlike the other years this year we decided to arrange the sorting ceremony within the Sects." 

The moment Master Gong stopped talking, the teenagers around Li Ming burst out into whispers and murmurs.

Her mood was just too down to pay attention to whatever was going on around her.

She waited for hours the previous day and then the night, just in the hope of seeing her mates.

However, the only thing that she got in return for her waiting was the information that the Supreme Immortal was not going to join the sorting ceremony of this year.