Can We Get Married?

"You are really careless! How can you accept a random challenge thrown by a jealous teenager in the very first place? And even if you accepted it, how can you not fight once you were inside the array? Do you have any idea exactly how much worse this situation could have been?....Wait!....Are you even listening to me?" 

Wen Guiying wanted to shake the girl, who was staring at him constantly with her dreaming eyes, to get some common sense into her.

"You are looking even more handsome now." Li Ming said in reply as she kept gazing at her hot mate in trance.


Wen Guiying could not control the anger that only increased after seeing her completely ignoring the important matter.

Li Ming stood up from the edge of the bed where she had been sitting for the past two hours while getting reprimanded by her furious and worried mate.