Tortured Soul of Li Ming

It had been a week! An entire week full of torture that almost consumed all of Li Ming's tiny brain cells.

She had spent the past seven days taking care of her business empire, currently known as Ming Business Empire.

The Black Jade Inn was known as the headquarters of the Ming Business Empire, the place from where everything started.

The entire black market, Dongji Village, Xi Qiu City, Minghue Tea House, the most famous garment shop of the Qi continent located in the capital city of Wang Empire, and the Herb Market of Jin Empire, all were under the ownership of the Ming Business Empire.

Having such a huge business empire, there's no doubt that Li Ming had a lot of work piled up for her since she was away for the past five years.

Currently, she was in the kitchen of her magical mansion as she brewed a fresh cup of tea for herself.

She had spent her entire day at the Dongji Village and that left her tired and energyless.