Time Alone With Moon Immortal (Part Three)



The groan escaped Lord Yueliang's lips as he tried to hold himself down while his Little One teased him without any mercy.

A smile bloomed on Li Ming's lips as she dragged her hands down his knees and towards his ankle.

By the time her hands touched his feet, there were no longer any clothes hiding his body from her craving eyes. 

The Moon Immortal did not realize what had happened until he felt her fingers caressing the underside of his left thigh.

And when he opened his eyes and looked at what is happening, he could not stop the blush that appeared on his cheeks while he wiggled a little to hide away from her.

But how could Li Ming let him succeed?

She stopped caressing him as she pulled herself directly to his eye level as she asked, "What are you trying to do?" 

Her voice did not sound soft or sweet, rather, it was the voice filled with a demand for an answer.