Marking Ruoshan (Part One)



Ruoshan whispered softly as he watched his mate who was still writhing because of the intense orgasm that she just experienced.

He looked up at his second senior brother and it was like they were talking through their eyes because the next moment, Lord Yueliang climbed up to position himself between Li Ming's legs.

On the other hand, Ruoshan pulled the girl in a soft kiss which was filled with his love and care for her.

Li Ming felt the head of the Moon Immortal's cock lined against the wet walls of her vagina and with a swift push, he was inside her.

The gasp that left her mouth gave the perfect opportunity to Ruoshan to slip his tongue inside her warm cave.

The slow but steady strokes along with Ruoshan's constant playing with both her nipples and her clit, made her reach her climax very soon.

"Fuck! I'm.....I'm close." She shouted as she felt her orgasm reaching.