Meeting Sister-In-Law

The liveliness of the banquet filled everyone with good vibes as soon as they set their foot inside the Great Hall.

Li Ming entered the hall with her mates. The fact that the Heaven Emperor was walking beside her made everything very clear to all those who were present inside the hall.

As everyone took their seats after greeting the Heaven Emperor and the rest of the five Immortal Lords, Li Ming also took her seat beside Zhang Yong.

While the Heaven Emperor moved to sit on his throne and the rest of her four mates took their seats among the High Immortals.

The hall quietened down as the Empress Dowager of the Heaven Realm made her grand entry.

Li Ming followed the others and stood up to greet the woman who was the mother of the ruler of the Heaven Realm.

She found Ruoshan giving her a quick nod of encouragement when their eyes met. She returned a soft smile as she once again settled down in her seat.