I'm all yours...



Li Ming stood against the corridor wall as she tried to calm down her emotions which were ready to spill.

"Are you alright?" 

Heaven Emperor's voice made her turn towards her right to look at the man in long golden robes whose entire persona screamed power and control.

"I think so." 

She replied as she breathed out a sigh before straightening up to fix her hair and gown.

She felt fingers trailing down her temple to her chin before her mate entangled their hands and within the next minute, they were no longer standing in the corridor.

"Thank you." 

She whispered with her voice filled with softness. 

"Are you busy right now?" She asked as they entered a spacious sitting area.

"Since the banquet is over, I think I have enough free time in my hands to spend with you right now. The others would join us in the next few hours." Heaven Emperor replied.