Divine Cultivator

The early morning wind blew through the high towers of the Golden Palace, bringing the scent of the morning dew and fresh greenery along with it.

"Congratulations for breaking through to the first level of Divine Cultivator Rank," Ruoshan said with a proud smile on his face as he planted a soft kiss on his mate's temple.

Li Ming smiled softly before she looked at the others who were also moving towards where she was standing with the Evernight Lord.

"I succeeded in breaking through the third level of Prime Cultivator rank all because of you guys. You all spend the entire night helping me in my cultivation. Thank you!"

She was genuinely thankful towards all of them and the way they cared for her. It made her filled with warmth and a lot of love.

"Anything for you, Little One." Lord Yueliang whispered in her ear as he came to plant a feathery kiss on her forehead.