The Goodbye

"Don't do this..."

Li Ming begged him as she tried to control the tears that were constantly running down her cheeks.

She could feel everything inside her falling apart as the realization hit her. No matter how much she wanted, Zhang Yong had left her no option for saving him.

He not only lost his spiritual energy entirely but he also separated his spirit form. 

Li Ming hurriedly wiped away her tears as she called out her energy. Even though she herself was exhausted because of all the suffering and pain her soul and body were going through, she had to try to save her mate. She could not just sit and watch him leaving her forever.

But before her hands could move, Zhang Yong stopped her.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? At least let me try!" Li Ming could not control her tears that once again started running down her eyes.

The Shadow Lord placed one of his hands on her cheek as his fingers softly rubbed against her skin.