The Great Battle (Part Three)

Li Ming watched as the two armies clashed down below. The ground was starting to turn red from so much blood as one by one, people from both sides lost their lives.

Her grip on the scales of her dragon tightened as her gaze shifted to the Valkyrie who was attacking a group of senior students from Guixian Academy.

"Are you ready love?" 

The dragon asked as it turned its head sideways to look at her. Li Ming smiled as she nodded her head in reply.

Who would have thought that the Second Demon Prince was also a dragon shifter and not just any dragon but one of the most powerful and rarest dragons born in the Immortal World in its entire history?

As soon as Hei Long got her reply, he let out a loud screech that could have given perfect competition to the Valkyrie.

The dragon's screech worked as both the Valkyrie and her eagle beast turned their attention towards Li Ming and her dragon.