Third brother is in Love with...Sister Sia?

With his brows furrowed, Mu Jun looked out of the window with his dark eyes as he could feel a wave of burning anger on John rising in his stomach.

Though he was curious to know why he disliked John and why his stomach was churning when imagining his face, he did not bother about that much because...he was angry!!.

Pouting his lips, Mu Jun frowned as he recalled how John had effected his mood from his first day. His closeness towards Sia, his childishness towards Sia, his understanding about Sia everything....everything felt very annoying but he did not know why.

Just as he was internally scolding John, his cell phone rang with a beep. Looking at his mobile which was placed on his study table, he thought for a moment before reaching for his cell.

Unlocking his cell phone, he found a message from Sia in his inbox. When he saw the name 'Sia' at the top of his inbox, an unintentional smile appeared on his face.