Cold blooded killer...Prince!!

On the other side, Su Yan was dragged inside a hotel room by two burly men and was pushed on the bed.

As soon as the room door was closed, Rong You Yue walked out from a dark corner

"As you had ordered, we have brought the girl here," one of the burly men said

"What about the other things that I had asked you to do," Rong You Yue asked

"No worries, we have already bribed a hotel staff to delete all the CCTV footage. The elevators have also been taken care of. Now if anyone wants to repair it's going to take at least half an hour and using the stairs is also of no use as it also requires more than half an hour to read our floor. So for now no one can interrupt us, this girls life is done for"

"What about the waitress who drugged her glass?"

"My men have already taken care of don't have to worry about anyone leaking the news"

"Good job" nodding her head, Rong You Yue walked towards the intoxicated Su Yan and looked at her with a sneer