Baby Sia is Drunk!!

Under everyone's confused gaze, just as Zhen Wei turned around and was about to escape like a rabbit, a cold voice was heard from behind "No one is allowed to leave"

Startled, Zhen Wie halted in her footsteps. Turning around stiffly, she smiled forcefully at Sia and called out "Baby--"

Standing on her toes, Sia swayed unsteadily. Shaking her head to get rid of the dizziness, she pointed her finger at Zhen Wei and called out "You...hiccup, come here...I said come here"

"Oh..okay-okay...I'm coming"

Afraid that Sia might flare up, Zhen Wei hurriedly made her way and stood in the middle of the campsite.

Turning to the three idiots who were trying to lessen their presences as much as they could, she pointed her finger at each one and called out in her drunken voice "Ugly duck number one, two and three....come here"

"Wait! what? Ugly duck? Sister Sia, did you just call me ugly duck?" Retorted Jiang Hui in disbelief.

"Then What? Should I call you ugly crow?"