Sleepless Night!!

Inside the tent, Xiao Li was arranging her bed when someone cleared his voice and asked from outside "May I come in"

"I would rather like it if you don't come in" Xiao Li replied indifferently.

Speechless, Shen Yi pulled the tent covers and walked in and asked "Am I so unwelcomed?"

Surprised, Xiao Li turned to Shen Yi and asked "What are you doing here?"

Pointing his chin at the things in his hand, he said as a matter of fact "Of course I'm here to sleep"

"..." rolling her eyes, Xiao Li scoffed "I can see that too but I'm asking you why have you come here when you are supposed to sleep with Yang Jie?"

"Well, John was scared to sleep next to you so he begged me to change the tent" Shen Yi replied with a smile

"So scared? It's better he did not come or else I would have kicked him out if he had made trouble" Xiao Li replied.

"Now, if you excuse.."

nodding his head, Shen Yi moved to make his bed when he was startled to find a big wall built with a pillow next to Xiao Li's bed.