I Will make him mine!!

Sitting on the lawn, Sia plucked a few strands of grass and looked up at the few guys who had a teasing smile on their face and then at John who was trying to reduce his presence as much as he could before turning to the indifferent Xiao Li and asked: "You spilled the bean again?"

Not at guilty for being found, Xiao Li apologized indifferently "Sorry, my bad"

"..." 'Can you at least show some sincerity when you apologize? Hopeless'

Turning her attention back to grass, Sia glanced at the few curious animals and said while plucking the grass "What do you want to know?"

"Sister Sia, you really like Third brother?" Yang Jie the curious kid could not wait and was the first one the ask

"Hmm" Sia replied simply

"From when did you start liking him?" Si Ming asked with a surprised expression

"No idea"

"Then when did you realize about third brother's feelings? Did you know that from before?" Lu Jin asked