Sia was pushed into the water!!

When Sia woke up the next day, she was hit with a bad hangover. Thankfully, the sweet An Ran had prepared hangover soup beforehand so after drinking the soup she sighed a deep breath and her hangover also eased up a lot.

After dressing up and having their breakfast, the girls saw that they had plenty of time in hand and decided to have a stroll around the mountain.

Mina and her gang, who had been eyeing Sia for a long time exchanged glances and followed after her.

Yi Yuming also noticed the four girls following after Sia and decided to have a look.

yesterday she had deliberately complained about Sia to the jealous Mina and had even revealed unintentionally about a lake at the southern part of the mountain. Based on the girl's attitude, she was sure that these jealous girls were up to something.