Young Master Rao is here!!

Inside the VIP ward!

Looking at her daughter who looked pale and unkempt, Mrs. Yu caressed her daughter's face lovingly

Standing at the side, the doctor cleared his throat and explained "Ms. Meena's psychological condition was instable. We were afraid she might harm herself accidentally so we gave her tranquilizer to calm her down. Once she wakes up, hopefully she will be alright"

"Hmm..." nodding her head, Mrs. Yu without turning her head asked coldly "What happened?"

"I have enquired. It looked like Meena saw something in her room which frightened her. The warden said Meena seemed to have seen a ghost in her room but the warden isn't very sure about it" replied Eldest Miss Yu seriously

"Ghost? that's absurbd. Someone must have played with her" Mrs. Yu frowned

"I agree but Meena is not the one who believes on ghost. Then why did she end up getting scared?" Mr. Yu frowned