Don't let her escape!!

The fire outbreak almost caused a huge disadvantage to the empire's high but thankfully, there were not many casualties.

Other than a few students being injured, thankfully there was no death since the students had reacted pretty fast and escaped to the lawn.

As for the parents and guest, they had long been escorted to the nearby hotel to attend the banquet once the show came to an end, lucking avoiding the fire outburst.

By the time these parents knew about the outbreak, things were already clear. Those parents whose children were injured hurriedly left while those parents' children who were safe did not bother much and just put it to the back of their mind, well except a few who still left worried about their little one's well-being.

As for Sia's family, after the show, they did not follow the group to the banquet hall instead they headed to home knowing that their presence would only bring them a headache.