Why the Hell are they here??

"Uhm Sia, who is this male dog you are talking about?"

Hearing Natasha's words, Sia suddenly froze. Turning around stiffly, Sia forced a smile and said "Uhm, Beauty can we talk about this later?"

Having known Sia for a long time, Natasha immediately understood that Sia did not want to reveal certain things. Knowing this she did not insist and nodded her head in understanding.

Afraid that things might become awkward, Natasha turned to Sia's friends and smiled "Sia is a mischievous girl and sometimes can be very troublesome but she is a good girl. I hope you guys won't feel offended and will take care of her"

Shaking her head hurriedly, Su Yan denied "No! No! No! Sister Natasha, you thought it wrong. Infact it's Sia who usually takes care of her. She is like a mother hen protecting her chicks"

Nodding her head, Xiao Li agreed "Indeed, though she might be annoying, lazy, a foodie and a lazy bug, she is indeed very good to us"