Time to do some clean up!!

Inside the room, sitting on the bed, the girls looked tense as they waited for their men to return back.

Unable to hold it in, Su Yan "What exactly is going on? why did the guys rush out suddenly? and why were we asked to gather in one room?"

Looking up from the phone, looked at the tensed face of the three girls and sighed.

She initially did not want to tell them the truth and cause them to be tensed but seeing their current behavior, she was afraid they would be tensed no matter what. Also, as their other half, she felt that they had to know about it.

Heaving a sigh, she answered them "The ship has been hijacked..."

"What!" cried the four girls simultaneously as they jumped from their position.

"A group of assassins had climbed up the ship. If I'm not wrong, there seems to be a lot of them" Sia released another bomb

"Out of the blue, why did the assassins want to hijack the ship?" Selena asked with a frown