Messed it Up!!

Back to present...

Not seeing the guy whom she had been missing for a while, Sia puffed her cheeks and sat back on her desk, not bothering to greet the three guys who entered the classroom.

On the other hand, the guys also did not have enough courage to speak to Sia after learning that Mu Jun had a fiance.

The moment they looked at Sia, they were afraid that the later would ask them about Mu Jun and they might unknowingly spill about the existence of this fiance.

As a result with both party due to their own reasons did not speak to each other.

Just as the bell rang, their homeroom teacher entered the class only to find something smiss.

Looking at the back, he was surprised to see only Sia sitting alone while usually there would a male animal sitting along with his female animal, being extremely lovey dovey without even caring about his homeroom teacher.