Agreed to go on a Date!!!

Sitting on the stone chair with his hands folded in front of his chest, Mu Jun coldly looked at Sia who was happily speaking to someone on her phone.

What annoyed him was not that he was ignored but the way she spoke, the way she smile, and more importantly the way she addressed the latter.

She kept calling the person on the phone 'sweety' with a doting look on her face. Though he did not know what they were talking about, he could still faintly hear a man's voice.

What was more infuriating was when he saw Sia blush and giggle shyly hearing God knows what the other person said.

This was not the first time such a thing had happened. Sia had received such calls a few times when they were together and every time she received the call from the person called 'Sweety', she would smile sweetly and pick it up no matter what she was busy with. And every time she picked up the call, she would move away to speak which made him a little annoyed.