Seeing Shien and HK enter, Chief Zhou immediately stood up and introduced them to her "Sir, this is Mr. Shien and HK. Special officers appointed by the higher ups. Mr. Shien, Mr. HK, this is Mr. Fang and his son. They are the ones who had requested the higher ups to appoint you to the team"

Seeing the obvious boot licking behaviour of Chief Zhou, Sia smirked inwardly. Ignoring Chief Zhou and the father-son duo, Sia walked to the table and pulled herself a seat, followed by HK who sat right next her.

Then turning to Inspector J, Sia asked "Any information on the things I asked you to investigate?"

Before Inspector J could report, Young master Fang suddenly slammned the table and yelled "You….can't you see my father and I sitting here? How dare a mere police officer ignore us"