"Someone whom even the Minister fears? Who can it be? Who is the real big boss behind this?"
Deep in thought, Sia frowned. Seeing which, HK who was currently driving the car back to the station did not dare to disturb her.
Infact there was a lot going in his mind too. He had lots of questions that he wanted to ask Sia, but he understood that this was not the right moment.
He understood that Sia was probably busy solving the puzzles in her mind and trying to find a new directions. So all he could do now was heave a sigh and follow her order.
Meanwhile, as Sia gazed outside the window deep in thought, she saw a large billiboard with an advertisement next to the road. It was an advertisement of a bank, but what caught Sia's eyes was the picture of a piggy bank with a gold coin on top. The moment she saw the piggy back, a clue flashed in her mind.